Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I'm not sure if I'm understanding this journal right but here goes.

I don't have one of these, but I want one. This product is a single slice of bread toaster. You can write a message on the white board on top and it toasts it into the bread. Don't ask me how it works because I have no idea. The thing i like most about this product is how unique and... well... rather useless it is. Paper is still readily available, yes? But it still takes a creative genius to mix breakfast with personalized messages.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Journal 19: GOOD OR BAD?

I personally think that Papyrus is not a bad font. You shouldn't write a whole paper using it but for logos and titles it works. The only problem is that Papyrus is on of the most easily recognizable fonts that there is. Therefore, people focus on the use of the font rather than the actual logo, which loses all meaning.

As soon as I saw this Edible Arrangements logo, I immediately thought of the font and not the company so it wasn't effective.

Another use was the title for "Serenity", the movie of the cult TV show, Firefly.

Monday, May 9, 2011



The only thing handwritten in this ad is Shania Twain's name and of course it isn't handwritten as much as written once and then copied onto thousands of advertisements. If even that. her signature could have easily been assembled by anyone else. What this advertisement is selling is Shania Twain and her new TV show. They used her "signature" to lend credibility to the ad. Had they put Shania's name in the same font, some people might think she's not actually committed to the show.

I would say the ad is effective because it tells you everything you need to know about the show right there. If you like Shania Twain, this show is for you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Journal 16: circular heaven

Graffiti usually has a negative connotation. Most graffiti is racial or sexual in nature and people accept it that way. The anonymity brings out the worst in people and usually the statements carved or drawn into building, cars, or bathroom stalls contain the most foul language and subject matter that many have seen.

So when I went to use the bathroom in a movie theater after seeing the International with Clive Owen, I was surprised to see this written in the stall:

For those of you who can’t read it, it says “Race to Witch Mountain was cool!”

And that’s it. There was no ethnic slur or a crudely drawn picture of genitalia that followed. I think this is how it went down-

12 year old Timmy just took a brand new sharpie from school and heard that graffiti was the cool new thing to do. He heads off to the local theater and sees “Race to Witch Mountain” because he is too nervous to graffiti just yet. Upon exiting, his head full of aliens, explosions, and The Rock, he heads off to the bathroom. Once safely inside the stall, he sits down and is suddenly struck with the knowledge that he has no idea what people normally graffiti onto walls. Digging around in his little kid mind, he pulls out a review of the most recent movie he has seen. 

Case solved.

Journal 15: RANSOM NOTE

Journal 14: And Then He Said

It was a fight for the ages. Two dwarves faced off in a battle of miniature proportions.

One of them was actually a chimp that had been taking steroids since he was just a wee baby chimp.

When they got to their fight, it started getting intense. And then just like that, the staring contest was over and the ref was the clear winner.

All that confidence grew in his hair and he became a hit with the ladies. He was so popular in fact…

…that he became the high priest for an Aztec society. And that hair just got crazier. The End.